
Spectre & Meltdown

                                     Meltdown & Spectre First Off i Wanna apologize to My Readers for my long absence, a lot of crucial things have been happening in my life for the past 4-5 months, and finally my high school is over and i'm waiting for my reports. From now on, i'll be posting blogs every two weeks or so (that'll get shorter soon). Today's blog is all about Meltdown and Spectre, these are the two security bugs that can cause chaos to almost any processor that has been manufactured till this day.  Most of the viruses tries to exploit the vulnerability in the code of a specific program they are designed to infect, this means that they can't affect programs or OSes they are not designed to affect so to a level we are almost safe. But the problem with these two are they function on a much closer to a hardware level so they can exploit almost any process...

Introduction To KALI Linux & A Very Easy Project For Beginners

Introduction to KALI Linux

In This Project I'm gonna show you how to Persistence install Kali Linux into a USB Drive & A simple way of getting the WiFi Using Fluxion
This tutorial is for Educational purposes only and should not be used for any illegal activities . IM NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU CAUSE ANY DAMAGE OR MISUSE IT .Don’t INTRUDE into someone's privacy.

You Will Need a USB Drive (8gb Or more.)

Step I: Download & Install Kali.

Open UUI (Universal USB installer)

-Select Kali Linux From The Drop Down Menu.

-Select Your KALI image (kali-Linux xxxxx.img) file from the downloaded location & Then provide the Drive Location Of your desired USB drive in which You want Kali Installed & then proceed with the installation...

          Once It Is Over, Open Minitool partition application.

-Select Your KALI Installed drive, Right Click It And Select The "Move/Resize" Option From The Menu

Then Split Your USB Drive to Half The Size Of Your Drive Capacity.

After Partitioning It Select the Newly Created Unallocated Space And Create

 Then Name The new space as persistence, create it as Primary & It's File System as Ext3 as Shown Below

Then Proceed With it After Clicking OK & then click apply (a big Tick sign on the top left corner)

You've Successfully Installed Kali !

Step II: Persistence Installation...

Boot Into Your Kali USB by Restarting your system into boot menu (novo menu then boot menu in My system).
NOTE:- The way to access the boot menu varies from system to system you might want to GOOGLE about it.

Select Live USB Persistence From It and wait for it to load into the Desktop

You Will See the Persistence partition we created earlier BUT Never Mind It will disappear Later 
  • Now Open Up A Terminal & Write The Following Commands!
  • fdisk -l (This Will Display All the disks and partitions present )
  • copy the name of the partition (persistence) you created Which is sdb2 In my case as shown below 

  • Type clear.(clears the terminal)
  • Now Type the following commands
  • mkdir -p /mnt/usb
  • mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/usb
  • echo "/ union" >> /mnt/usb/persistence.conf
  • umount /mnt/usb
                                                           REBOOT THE SYSTEM
Now you can use your Kali loaded Usb For Daily use! 
Always use the live usb persistence option not the first option

Installing Fluxion.

Fluxion is a Simple Wi-Fi Cracking Tool which uses the social engineering trick ie. It Creates a well crafted login page, and Fluxion automates the process of creating a fake access point to capture The Wi-Fi passwords. It Is same as Wi-Fi Phisher 
This tutorial is for Educational purposes only and should not be used for any illegal activities . IM NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU CAUSE ANY DAMAGE OR MISUSE IT .Don’t INTRUDE into someone's privacy.
Step III : Download Fluxion

open up a terminal and type
git clone https://github.com/FluxionNetwork/fluxion
Wait for it to complete the installation

Step IV: Configuring fluxion

Running The Script
Type: cd fluxion (it will take you to the folder of fluxion)
Type: sudo ./fluxion.sh

Some tools are not installed on fluxion by default so, we have to do it manually by typing
sudo ./install/install.sh

wait for the installation to finish 

When it is over The installation is over.

Step V: Using fluxion

Type in again ./fluxion.sh
The Fluxion will ask some simple questions like language etc..
if you aren't sure what to type press 1 for all the question they ask Except for the Wi-Fi select the Wi-Fi You want

NOTE: use only your home Wi-Fi to crack Do not Hack into Any Wi-Fi AP which you doesn't know 
After The Simple questions It will Start Searching for Access Points When you see your home Wi-Fi press ctrl+c To stop Searching

Select the Wi-Fi you Want By typing in the id num. of the AP

Then Type 1 for the remaining questions they ask

In The Next Question They Will Ask If You Already Have The Handshake File Or You don't have Just Press ENTER

Pressing ENTER Will Make Fluxion To get a new Hand shake for you

Select the first or second Option

Type in 1 When You See WPA Handshake with your mac Address to go to next Step on Top right window

Step VI: Creating a fake AP & Login page

Now To the Fun part.
Select Web Interface From the menu

Then it will ask you which Type of login page you want

Select Any Of the option ,If you aren't sure what to select, select the first option
This will start  the attacking process Which will create a new Access point With the same name of the targeted AP & when a device tries to connect to the Wi-Fi it will connect to the Fake AP and then it Will ask you to Input the password By tricking The victim into believing that there is a software update or any thing like that

It will Be Shown Like this

As you can See the My Home AP has Become Open This is the Fake AP and the real one is blocked by fluxion

the device Will get Connected To the Fake one & then A window will popup asking For the Password in my case it is shown as an update page of my router

Once We input The password the Connection Will be Restored & the Password will Be shown & It will be saved as a text file in the root of your KALI (it will be named as (your access point name).txt)

                             And That's it 

Key Points:

AP: Access Point is simply the name of your Wi-Fi connection

Handshake:The process that establishes communication between two networking devices. For example, when two computers first connect with each other through modems, the handshaking process determines which protocols, speeds, compression, and error-correction schemes will be used during the communication session.


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