Spectre & Meltdown

Meltdown & Spectre First Off i Wanna apologize to My Readers for my long absence, a lot of crucial things have been happening in my life for the past 4-5 months, and finally my high school is over and i'm waiting for my reports. From now on, i'll be posting blogs every two weeks or so (that'll get shorter soon). Today's blog is all about Meltdown and Spectre, these are the two security bugs that can cause chaos to almost any processor that has been manufactured till this day. Most of the viruses tries to exploit the vulnerability in the code of a specific program they are designed to infect, this means that they can't affect programs or OSes they are not designed to affect so to a level we are almost safe. But the problem with these two are they function on a much closer to a hardware level so they can exploit almost any process...